What is a Feng Shui Burial Site?
There are a few different elements that are important when considering a Feng Shui burial site. First, it is important to understand what Feng Shui actually is, and only from there learn what makes a Feng Shui cemetery plot an embodiment of Feng Shui.
What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is an ancient philosophy and practice over 3,000 years old originally dating in China. A Feng Shui practicioner concerns his or herself with creating harmony between one and one’s immediate environment. Feng Shui philosophy places large emphasis upon the role of architecture. Feng Shui practicioners largely emphasize the role of Qi (pronounce ch’i), which can be understood as life energy. By optimally situating one’s ancestors graves properly in addition to organizing one’s own living environments, the Feng Shui practitioner believes positive energy, optimal health and good fortune will be generated for the living as well future generations.
Identify a Feng Shui Burial Site
In Feng Shui, a proper burial ground fosters a positive feng shui environment. Because it is believed the environment of a resting place affects future generations, it is essential that a Feng Shui adherent is mindful to the following principles:
- The body must be fully intact and buried.
- The Feng Shui cemetery plot must not be located near or directly under a tree, because its believed that the roots will interfere with the coffin.
- The gates of the cemetery must not pass over the Feng Shui grave. In Feng Shui, it is considered bad luck.
- Grass must be planted on top of the tomb or Feng Shui cemetery plot. If it is not, it is believed skin diseases and other sicknesses will spread to future generations.
- Graves of ancestors should be placed at a higher altitude than the graves of succeeding generations. Doing so will ensure that Qi flows optimally.
- The soil of the grave should not become concave. Doing so will cause water to pool, which is believed to cause health complications for the living.
- Feng Shui graves should be arranged in arcs and not in straight rows.
- A Feng Shui master should be allowed to calculate the proper angle that the body is buried and determine the day the funeral is held.
These are some of the important practices that should be observed if you want a proper Feng Shui Burial for your loved one. California is home to several cemeteries and burial sites that support the rules and practice of Feng Shui. Thankfully, our team at Bayer Cemetery Brokers can help you locate and purchase the perfect Feng Shui burial site.
To find out more information about available Feng Shui cemetery plots, or to sell yours, contact us at 760 247 8518. We look forward to helping you.